
Wednesday 15 September 2010


REIKI ( pronounced "ray key") means Universal Life  Force Energy

REIKI   is a simple technique for transferring healing energy from a giver to a receiver.To be able to give Reiki you have to be attuned to it.The Reiki Attunement opens a channel so that the Reiki Energy can start to flow through. There are 3 levels of Attunements 

Student 1st Degree level 1.
Reiki Practitioner 2nd Degree Level 2,
  Masters  3rd Degree  Level 3

Reiki is the laying on off hands. Reiki can be given to humans or animals to help relieve pain and stress.Reiki heals the whole being, Mind, Body, and Soul.

Life Force energy not only flows through our Physical Bodies but also through our chakras, Aura's and Energy Centers, Reiki heals  by charging the Mind, Body, and Soul with positive Life force Energy,

Reiki can NEVER  do any harm as it is guided by the God-consciousness.Reiki will always go to where it is needed to work on the person for their highest good. Reiki helps unblock emotional or spiritual  blocks that can cause illness and dis-ease. Reiki is subtle energy and may take a few Reiki Sessions before any difference is felt.After having Reiki most people feel relaxed, uplifted, and peaceful.

Becoming a Reiki Practitioner i have noticed great changes in myself. Reiki helped change my whole way of living and thinking.If you have Stress, Pain, or Dis- ease  try Reiki it will  work to help you unblock negative thoughts and feelings.

1 comment:

Husadareiki said...

yes,Reiki clear your mind, and help your mind in a happy mood, but you still need to maintain hand positions exercises and meditation everyday.
I have wrote various topic about practical Reiki in

hope we can share a lot in the path of Reiki.

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